2022年5月23日 星期一

China’s Challenge to the International Human Rights Regime: “Authoritarian International Law” in Action?











    China has become much more active in influencing the international human rights system in recent years. This talk introduces China’s contemporary human rights theory and practice in the United Nations, focusing on Beijing’s strategies in the Human Rights Council (HRC). I observe that China, with enough support from other countries, has consistently sought to distort the HRC’s procedures, undermine relevant institutions and promote the government’s preferred norms that are in tension with international human rights principles. I offer a critique of Beijing’s latest version of the unique concept “Human Rights with Chinese Characteristics,” which features a statist, development-above-all view.

    More broadly, China’s behavior should be examined in light of the rise of authoritarianism in the international system. The international human rights regime, a product of postwar liberalism, is increasingly falling under the shadow of authoritarian countries that try to shape the regime in favor of their illiberal agendas. China, the most resourceful authoritarian party-state, has formed loose coalitions with authoritarian governments and developing countries that have different state interests but share a common distaste for human rights scrutiny. This talk probes how authoritarian countries affect the international legal order and proposes the importance of studying group dynamics in any international political institution, contributing to the current scholarship about “authoritarian international law.”

